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The value of a psychiatric service within the venereal disease clinic.
  1. S Bhanji,
  2. J D Mahony


    A significant proportion of attenders at venereal diseases clinics can be regarded as potential psychiatric patients. However, there have been few reports on the value of readily available psychiatric advice at such clinics. The findings during a three-month period when a psychiatrist attended a venereal disease clinic are described. Twenty-two patients were referred for psychiatric assessment. Of the 20 who kept their appointment, 18 were diagnosed as mentally ill or as having a personality disorder. Of these two were already under psychiatric care, but 11 had never previously sought psychiatric assistance. The major sources of common venereological and psychiatric concern appeared to be among the promiscuous and the hypochondriacal patients. The former consisted of persons with personality disorders who were thought unlikely to respond to psychiatric treatment; but some of the latter improved after treatment with pimozide. Some patients defaulted and not all who persevered were helped. Nevertheless the results of a questionnnaire showed that the staff considered there was an important place for a psychiatrist within their clinic.

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