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Genital herpesvirus infection in women attending a venereal diseases clinic.
  1. F E Willmott,
  2. H J Mair


    Routine cervical viral cultures (and cultures from lesions if present) were performed on 2630 female patients attending a venereal diseases clinic over a period of four years. Of these patients 96 (3.7%) had genital herpetic infection; of these 23 (24%) were asymptomatic. The association of herpesvirus with other genital infections is considered, but no increase in the incidence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, and genital warts was found; there was an increased incidence of Candida albicans. A significantly higher percentage of the patients with herpesvirus took oral contraceptives. The findings are discussed and compared with previous reports.

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