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Azithromycin levels in cervical mucus and plasma after a single 1.0g oral dose for chlamydial cervicitis.
  1. A M Worm,
  2. A Osterlind
  1. Department of Dermato-Venereology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen NV, Denmark.


    OBJECTIVE--To determine the kinetics of azithromycin in cervical mucus and plasma. SUBJECTS AND METHODS--Azithromycin concentrations were determined in plasma and mucus samples from 20 women with cervical chlamydial infection one, seven and fourteen days after a single oral 1.0 g dose. RESULTS--In mucus, all measurable azithromycin concentrations were above the minimal inhibitory concentration against Chlamydia trachomatis on day 7 as well as on day 14. CONCLUSION--The high cervical mucus concentrations of azithromycin can explain the high clinical and microbiological efficacy.

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