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Ciprofloxacin 250 mg for treating gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis
  1. Nelson David,
  2. Gillian Wildman,
  3. Sasikala Rajamanoharan
  1. Department of GU Medicine, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading RG1 5AN, UK
  1. Dr Nelson David

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Editor,—In the recently published UK national guidelines on sexually transmitted infections and closely related conditions1 ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally as a single dose has been recommended for uncomplicated anogenital infection due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae in adults. However, some studies have shown that an oral dose of 250 mg of ciprofloxacin is an effective treatment for uncomplicated gonorrhoea.2,3

In our department, we have been using ciprofloxacin 250 mg as a single oral dose as first line treatment for uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis and 500 mg of oral dose of ciprofloxacin for rectal and pharyngeal infections since 1997. We reviewed case notes of patients with uncomplicated gonococcal infections who attended our department …

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