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Chlamydia trachomatis infection in an urban setting
  1. Jayanti Mania-Pramanik,
  2. P K Meherji,
  3. J S Gokral,
  4. U M Donde
  1. Institute for Research in Reproduction, J M Street, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012, India
  1. Dr Jayanti Mania-Pramanik Jayantijem{at}

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Demographic data

We undertook a study to find out the Chlamydia trachomatis infection rate among the subjects attending three different clinical set ups in Mumbai (Bombay), India, for treatment of complications associated with reproductive health. These clinical set ups were: (a) a private gynaecology clinic; (b) an outpatient gynaecology facility in a public hospital; and (c) an infertility clinic of the institute.

Among the 123 subjects enrolled in the study, 108 were women belonging to the age group 18–42 years (mean age 27.82 years) and 15 were men of infertile couples, whose spouses were tested positive for C trachomatis. These males were asymptomatic and in …

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