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Genital herpes may mask underlying neoplasia
  1. T Green1,
  2. K E Rogstad1,
  3. M E L Paterson2
  1. 1Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2JF, UK
  2. 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Northern General Hospital NHS Trust, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AU
  1. Dr Rogstad

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Editor,—Lesions that fail to heal despite appropriate therapy should always be biopsied to look for an underlying diagnosis. We have seen a 44 year old woman who presented with genital ulceration and lichen sclerosus and was culture positive for herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1. After treatment with two courses of oral aciclovir there was some reduction in ulceration and resolution of symptoms. However, in view …

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