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Genital piercing and sexually transmitted infections
  1. Ravindra Gokhale,
  2. Mary Hernon,
  3. Ajit Ghosh
  1. Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral CH49 5PE, UK
  1. Dr Gokhale ravindragokhale{at}

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Editor,—An interesting observation was noted about patients with genital piercing in our clinic. We looked at 12 case notes of patients retrospectively who attended our clinic for sexual health screening in the past 12 months. There were seven males and five females in the age group 22–36. Looking at the results of their screening tests for STIs, none of the males had chlamydia. Interestingly, four out of six female contacts of these males, who also attended for screening, were found to be positive for chlamydia detected by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). None had gonorrhoea. …

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