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Symposium 7: In the quest for HIV prevention Scale up: Avahan's India experience. Program approaches and emerging evaluation results
S7.2 Measurement and community mobilisation do not have to be mutually exclusive: preliminary analysis from a scaled programme
  1. T Wheeler
  1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Community mobilisation approaches within the HIV/AIDS landscape have rarely operated at a significant scale, or been designed with the conceptual and technical clarity necessary to be measured effectively. Measurement of community mobilisation by necessity has been undertaken through innovative qualitative approaches but these have often lacked the rigour or complementary qualitative methods to provide adequate analysis on the association with outcomes or the path to generating HIV/AIDS outcomes. Avahan may provide new insights into community mobilisation and structural interventions as an effective and replicable approach within comprehensive HIV prevention programming. The experience of retrofitting measurement into a “living” programme and developing measurement indicators and tools to work at scale provide practical examples of what can be done. The Avahan logic model, proposed measurement approach and some preliminary analysis of risk reduction and sustainability outcomes as a result of community mobilisation and structural interventions will be presented.

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