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Improving clinical practice and service delivery
P160 Complex GUM: an audit of a consultant led service
  1. E Mabonga,
  2. D Williams,
  3. E Collins
  1. Brighton and Sussex University Hospital, Brighton, UK


Background A minority of patients present to GU services with complex, recurrent or chronic issues requiring senior review which is challenging in a busy walk-in service. A specialist clinic was set up to facilitate appropriate diagnosis and management.

Objectives To describe referral patterns, diagnoses and outcomes.

Methodology Retrospective case note review of booked patients between 2 September 2010 and 9 December 2010. Demographics, referrer, reason for referral, management and outcomes collected.

Results 102 appointments were made for 84 patients 65 attended, 82 reviewed. 55% were female. Average age 36. 94% referred from within the service, all staff groups represented including SpRs, nurses and clinical assistants. 20 patients had biopsies with 17/20, 85% providing a diagnosis. Of the 102 appointments 13% DNA; 11% cancelled by patient. Patients with vulval pain will be studied in more detail, data to follow (see abstract P160 table 1).

Abstract P160 Table 1

Diagnoses of patients with complex GU problems

Conclusion The clinic was utilised by all staff groups, saw patients with a variety of conditions, predominantly dermatological and in the majority a definitive diagnosis was made. As well as improving patient management the clinic provided an excellent training opportunity and has resulted in improved links particularly with Dermatology and Histopathology.

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