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P2.078 Drug Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis at Patients with Combination of Tuberculosis and the HIV Infection
  1. G S Balasanyants1,
  2. E A Torkatjuk1,
  3. T Y Suprun2
  1. 1St.-Petersburg scientific research institute Phthisiopulmonology, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation
  2. 2Tb hospital No 2 St.-Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation


Purpose To estimate of drug resistances of (MBT) at patients with combination of tuberculosis and the HIV (TB+HIV).

Materials and Methods Patients with confection treated in tubercular hospital N02 for the period of 2005–2011

Results For the specified period the among patients with TB+HIV the share of low immune status (less than 200 cell/mkl), causing severe TB has increased from 32.5% up to 60.4%. It was accompanied by growth generalised forms of TB from 30.1% up to 56.5%.

MBT excreting it has been identified at 67.7% TB+HIV cases, and in 53.2% cases baccilar TB have been revealed by culture. From them only at 19.9% of MBT were sensitive to antitubercular drugs, at others tests identified presence of resistance of various prevalence. Resistance to streptomycin (73.2%) and izoniasid 73.4% was more often, it is a little bit less - to rifampicin - than 63.3%, and ethambutol - 41.2%. Among second line TB drugs the greatest resistance has been fixed to canamycin - 36.7%, to other drugs of this group it did not exceed 20%.

The proportion of patients with multi drug resistant MBT has determined in an interval of 80.6% of - 65.3%; among patients with new cases of TB it was on the average 73.3%. Extremely drug resistant MBT (XDR) has registered among for the new cases within 7.9% - 14.8%. Patients with XDR had expressed immune suppression and progressing of tuberculosis with development generalised forms even at use of ART. Lethal outcomes at them made 56.9%.

Conclusion wide circulation of multi and extremely drug resistant MBT at patients with TB+HIV makes inefficient treatment at prescription of f standard TB schemes. Besides for these patients use of methods of fast identification of drug resistance is necessary.

  • Drug resistance
  • HIV
  • tuberculosis

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