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P3.355 Coincidence of Syphilis and Pregnancy in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Between 1990–2011
  1. V Várkonyi1,
  2. G Szondy1,2,
  3. K Együd1,3,
  4. M Dudás1,4
  1. 1Privat Praxis, Budapest, Hungary
  2. 2Jósa András Hospital Departmen of DV, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
  3. 3Jósa András Hospital Department of DV, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
  4. 4National Centre for Epidemiology, Budapest, Hungary


The treatment of infected cases, active case finding and the follow-up are the tasks of the dermato-venereological network. Since data on treated syphilis cases were available from decades back, a retrospective analysis was done.

Objective Syphilis patients treated between 1990–2011 in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county compared with national data, with the following criteria:

  • Changes in morbidity in the county and in the country with sex distribution,

  • Analysis by age group among women, especially during pregnancy,

  • Distribution by diagnosis in women and in pregnant women including the trimester,

Results between 1990–2011, the outpatient clinic in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county treated a total of 469 syphilis cases (women n = 243/52%/, male n = 226/48%/),

  • out of 243 patients, 69 had applied the syphilis diagnosis during pregnancy,

  • The diagnosis of syphilis among pregnant women was as follows: primary syphilis 1/1.5%/, secondary syphilis: 17/25%/, early latent: 48/69.5%/, late latent: 3/4%/.

  • between 1990–2000 the syphilis occurred sporadically among pregnant women, the number of however the cases between 2003–2008 increased significantly (in 1990–2000 n = 6; in 2001–2011 years n = 63),

  • According the age group distribution, syphilis infection in pregnant women were most common in the 20–34 age-group(20–24/30%/, 25–29/20%%,30–34/23%/) and the 15–19 age group was also affected (16%)

  • In terms of ethnicity, 49% of pregnant women (n = 34) was roma, 22% of them was from Ukraine, (n = 15) and 29% of them was Hungarian (n = 20),

Conclusions The following factors played a role in spreading of syphilis in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

  • The county’s geographic location.

  • Significant illegal prostitution (cross-border, massage parlours, roadside, living prostitution),

  • The lack of knowledge of the professions about syphilis

  • Lack of knowledge of the population

  • coincidence
  • pregnancy
  • Syphilis

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