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P16 LGV-an inner city cohort
  1. Priyanka Saigal,
  2. Mannampallil (Itty) Samuel,
  3. Manpreet Bahra,
  4. Michael Brady,
  5. Chris Taylor
  1. King’s College Hospital, London, UK


Background/introduction LGV is hyperendemic amongst MSM in the UK. There is a strong association with HIV and hepatitis C infections.

Aim(s)/objectives To assess the background, demographics, presentation and follow up of patients with confirmed LGV infection in an inner London cohort. To analyse compliance with BASHH auditable measures surrounding follow up testing including HIV and hepatitis C.

Methods A retrospective case note review was conducted of all PCR confirmed LGV infections from 01.01.2005–31.07.14. Data was extracted looking at the demographics, presentation, risk factors, concurrent STIs and follow up of patients as per BASHH audit standards.

Results 44 patients were identified. 43 were MSM and 1 a heterosexual female with a bisexual partner. 80% (35) presented with symptomatic LGV infection and 20% (9) had had a previous infection with LGV. 43% (19) were diagnosed with concurrent STIs; of which only 4 had extra rectal chlamydia (3 urethral and 1 eye). 64% (28) were known to be HIV positive at LGV diagnosis. Only 69% (11) of the remaining HIV negative patients had a documented HIV follow up test within 12 months of LGV diagnoses. 36% (4) of these were newly diagnosed with HIV. Out of the 24 documented hepatitis C tests within 12 months of LGV diagnosis there were 2 new cases of hepatitis C.

Discussion/conclusion Our cohort largely reflects the UK epidemic and reinforces the strong association with HIV infection. The audit reveals poor adherence to BASHH standards for repeat testing, which will be addressed with a specific active recall process.

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