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P32 Survey of knowledge about gonorrhoea in patients with gonorrhoea
  1. Lauren Amor1,2,
  2. Joanna Peters2,
  3. Angela Dunne2,
  4. John Paul2,
  5. Gillian Dean2,
  6. Fiona Cresswell2
  1. 1Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, East Sussex, UK
  2. 2Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, Brighton, East Sussex, UK


Background/introduction Gonorrhoea is a public health problem due to rising incidence and antimicrobial resistance. Health education is a proven health intervention. Planning interventions requires understanding of views of target groups.

Aim(s)/objectives Describe subjective knowledge of gonorrhoea and preferred methods of health education in individuals presenting with gonorrhoea. Identify differences across specified age groups and sexual orientation.

Methods A prospective study recruited 121 individuals with gonorrhoea. Participants completed a questionnaire. Data from questionnaires were anonymised and analysed.

Results Demographic aspects of this study are presented in a separate abstract. Subjective knowledge about gonorrhoea increases with age and is similar in MSM and heterosexuals. Popularity of mobile Apps decreases with age; 43.8% of 18–24 year olds, compared with 25% of over 44 year olds, regard them as beneficial educational tools. 64%, regardless of age or orientation, favour websites as the educational tool for the public. MSM prefer information on posters in social venues (50.7% vs 27.3% in heterosexuals) or by face-to-face interactions with healthcare workers (52.2% vs 23.3% in heterosexuals). Heterosexuals favoured more information in schools compared to MSM (50% vs 33%).

Discussion/conclusion Web-based information was the preferred education method across age groups and sexualities. Posters in bars and clubs would be a good way to target MSM especially as these venues have already been identified as high risk venues associated with GC infection. Future mobile App development should target 18–24 yr olds.

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