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P155 “time in clinic” survey to evaluate the potential for use of online registration
  1. Carlotta Hall1,
  2. Naomi Carter1,
  3. Megan Crofts1,
  4. Michael Clarke1,
  5. Helen Wheeler1,
  6. Patrick Horner1,2
  1. 1Bristol Sexual Health Service, Bristol, UK
  2. 2University of Bristol, Bristol, UK


Background/introduction We continuously try to improve patient experience in our integrated service. After introducing a “slot” booking in system, patients spent 40% less time in clinic, though still report spending too long in surveys. We wanted to map patient journey, identify potential improvements, including introducing on-line booking and e-triage.

Aim(s)/objectives To evaluate 1) the proportion of patients whose visit is >2 h from entering clinic to completion of the clinical encounter 2) effectiveness of patient completed triage.

Methods Pilot data was collected over 1 day (1 week to follow). Reception staff recorded patient first arrival, and administered a patient completed questionnaire recording the timing of the clinical encounter. Questionnaires, triage forms and case notes were reviewed.

Results 49 patients attended (23 male, 26 female). Complete data were available for 15(65%) males and 18(69%) females (Table 1). 58% of patients needed to allow >2 h to attend clinic (61% symptomatic, 57% asymptomatic). Self-triage was available for 45(92%) patients, with concordance between clinician and patient in 41/45 (91%).

Abstract P155 Table 1

Time in clinic: median hours (range)

Discussion/conclusion Provisional data shows: 1) patients spend too long in clinic and developments including online booking could potentially reduce this, and 2) most patients are able to triage themselves.

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