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P182 Clinical case note review: are all appropriate under- 16s being tested for chlamydia and gonorrhoea?
  1. Carly Stevenson
  1. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK


Background/introduction The number of young people under the age of 16 diagnosed with Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoea continues to rise annually. STI testing is essential to promote safe sexual practice, minimise stigma and monitor levels of anti-microbial resistance.

Aim(s)/objectives This project aimed to determine the percentage of under- 16s who were not tested for chlamydia and gonorrhoea between January and April 2013. The role of testing was established with aims including:

  • Comparison of attendance, testing and infection rates of males and females.

  • Analysis of documented reasons for not testing.

  • Percentage of eligible patients not documented to have been offered a sexual health screen (SHS).

Methods 200 patients were randomly selected by attendance at sexual health clinics over a four month period. Information was then gathered on each consultation using NaSH software. Information gathered included gender, age at consultation, tests requested and clinic attended.

Results Results showed that 56% of patients were not tested for chlamydia and gonorrhoea; 6% were not documented as having been offered a SHS. Reasons for not testing are documented below in descending order of prevalence:

Discussion/conclusion The rate of failure to document the offer of a SHS is reassuringly low. Rates of attendance and infection were highest in females. Healthcare professionals should continue to encourage testing of the sexually active and ensure offers of SHS are documented.

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