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P215 Delivering STI services in hostels for homeless individuals
  1. Elizabeth Williams,
  2. Sarah Macauley,
  3. Sarah Ramsay,
  4. Sarah Creighton
  1. Homerton University Hospital, London, UK


Background/introduction Residents of hostels for homeless individuals have a disproportionate burden of mental and physical health needs, which can expose them to risk of blood born viruses (BBVs) and STIs. Our borough runs 5 hostels which address health and social needs as well as provide accommodation.

Aim(s)/objectives To report on a pilot aiming to improve diagnosis and treatment of BBVs and STIs of residents of these 5 hostels.

Methods Between 14/02/2012 and 14/02/2013 five hostels were visited a minimum of two times. CT/GC NAATs and HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C serology were offered as well as signposting to other services.

Discussion/conclusion Half the residents had been tested for HIV in the preceding year. 14% had never previously tested for BBV. 38% accepted BBV testing at this service and 96% accepted CT/GC testing. One new infection was diagnosed. This suggests that existing services meet the needs of the majority of this group. However, this additional service provided support to a minority of individuals who had been unable to negotiate existing services.

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