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P057 Neisseria gonorrhoea (GC): Persistence of DNA detection after successful therapy and changing pattern of antibiotic sensitivity, 2007–2015
  1. Sris Allan
  1. Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Ttrust, Coventry, UK


Background/introduction Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) is widely used in GUM clinics to diagnose GC infection; its in-built high sensitivity may potentially detect DNA from non-viable organisms following successful treatment. The BASHH national guidelines stipulate that test-of-cure (TOC) with NAAT should take place 2 weeks post-treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine whether this is an adequate time interval to perform TOC. We also analysed the changing pattern of antibiotic sensitivity between 2007–2015.

Aim(s)/objectives All GC cases at our clinic between 1st January and 30th June in 2007–2015 were identified and assessed for antibiotic sensitivity and TOC.

Methods In 2015 there were 151 cases; culture and sensitivity results were available for 99 cases. TOC with NAAT was done in 81 cases. There were 10 cases where the NAAT was SDA positive but PCR negative. Overall a TOC with NAAT was performed between 7 and 50 days post-treatment with a mean, median and mode of 17, 14 and 14 days respectively.

Abstract P057 Table 1

Gonorrhoea 2007–2015

Conclusion None of the cultures were resistant to ceftriaxone. However prevalence of multi-drug resistance in N.gonorrhoea has shown gradual decline from 27% in 2007 to 8% in 2013. The trend has reversed in 2014 with increasing multi-drug resistance to 26% in 2015. Since 2013 I have also looked at the persistence of DNA detection following successful therapy and this supports the BASHH Guidelines of TOC 2 weeks post treatment.

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