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P157 Sexual Health & Contraception: developing a one stop shop service using a collaborative approach between a Local Authority, Acute and Community Trusts
  1. Jenny Whetham1,
  2. Stephen Nicholson2,
  3. Vicky Fenwick3,
  4. Gillian Dean1
  1. 1Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton, UK
  2. 2Brighton and Hove City Council, Brighton, UK
  3. 3Sussex Community Trust, Brighton, UK


Background/introduction This city on the South East coast has a high proportion of young people/LGBT with some of the highest STI/HIV rates in England (2013 gonorrhoea 162.1/100,000; HIV prevalence 8/1,000). GUM & contraception services were historically provided by two separate NHS Trusts. Transfer of public health responsibility to the Local Authority (LA) in 2013 led to service review.

Aim(s)/objectives To deliver an efficient and accessible multi-disciplinary sexual health and contraception service.

Methods City-wide public consultation favoured a one-stop-shop integrated service. Pathway Analytics© sexual health tariff was accepted by LA/providers as a transparent & fair payment mechanism. Following legal advice LA gave the commissioner permission to negotiate a new contract with existing providers, moving to a competitive tender process if unsuccessful.

Results The contract was awarded to existing providers in April 2015. The local Sexual Health Programme Board ensured all stakeholders were engaged in service review. A staged approach was followed to deliver an integrated service. The tariff was introduced allowing fair remuneration for combined services at diverse sites across the city. Trusts have established a steering group to ensure safe governance across legal, financial & clinical frameworks & robust risk management processes across both organisations.

Discussion/conclusion Innovative thinking by the LA allowed service re-design by negotiation with existing providers avoiding a competitive tender process. Good working relationships within the sexual health network allowed a collaborative approach to service improvement. Despite the challenges of two Trusts working together with different organisational accountabilities, a ‘one-stop-shop model’ has been successfully introduced without destabilising HIV services.

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