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P184 What’s in a Name? Establishing Brand Values For a New Sexual Health Service
  1. Joelle Turner,
  2. Bernie Rigoulay,
  3. Tom Joyce
  1. Luton & Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Luton, UK


Background/introduction Award of a new contract for an integrated sexual health service requires a fresh brand identity for service launch.

Aim(s)/objectives To establish from service users and stakeholders the important brand values for a sexual health service.

Methods An online survey was designed to investigate public opinion about naming and brand values. This was distributed via email to all hospital and local council employees and through local stakeholder and youth networks.

Results In February 2016, 103 online surveys were completed by service users and 256 by potential service users. Of 359 respondents, 56% were young people (<25), 76% were female, 86% identified as heterosexual and 50% were White British. The most important values for a sexual service were confidentiality (27%), professional and knowledgeable staff (16%) and friendly and approachable staff (14%). The most common reasons for difficulty using a sexual health service were embarrassment (50%), unsuitable opening hours (40%) and not knowing where to find services (25%). Regarding staff uniforms, 58% of respondents preferred ‘uniform but not too formal’, 37% preferred ‘formal wear (traditional uniform)’ and 5% ‘something else’. ‘A name that clearly states what the service is’ was preferred overall, though differences were marginal (see Table 1).

Abstract P184 Table 1

Online survey of brand values for new service

Discussion/conclusion Online surveys are an effective method of establishing important brand values for a sexual health service. Overall, respondents preferred a distinct identity for the service, exhibited through uniforms and a transparent naming convention. Though traditional barriers to accessing services persist, so also do the core values of confidentiality and professionalism.

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