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P034 Association of mycoplasma genitalium and persistent abdominal pain- what srh doctors undertaking ultrasound need to know?
  1. Najia Aziz
  1. Solent NHS Trust, Portsmouth, UK


Introduction The 2016 European guideline on Mycoplasma Genitalium (MG) states that significant association is found between MG and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). MG is diagnosed through nucleic acid amplification testing. The aim of this study was to find out about the importance of testing for MG in patients with persistent abdominal pain.

Methods It was a retrospective analysis of patients who were tested for MG in Sexual and Reproductive healthcare (SRH) consultant ultrasound clinic over a period of 17 months. The inclusion criterion for testing was persistent symptoms after PID treatment.

Results 9 patients were tested for MG in consultant led SRH ultrasound clinic. All were initially treated by other clinicians for PID with standard treatment but did not respond and were referred to SRH ultrasound clinic to exclude other pathology. Ultrasound for all of the patients was normal with no adnexal masses or free fluid. Pregnancy test was done in all cases and it was negative; all patients were also negative for chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. MG testing was done in all 9 cases and 2 came back positive (22%). Both were treated with Moxifloxacin 400mg OD for 10 days.

Discussion This small study shows that there can be an association between persistent abdominal pain and MG. SRH doctors who are undertaking ultrasound on a routine basis should consider possibility of MG testing in patients with persistent abdominal pain. More research is needed in this area to establish a routine testing for MG in a patient with abdominal pain.

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