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P072 Do we meet the criteria? consideration for PrEP provision locally
  1. Yvonne Wilson,
  2. Say Quah,
  3. Carol Emerson
  1. Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, GUM Clinic, Belfast, UK


Introduction With various studies demonstrating Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as highly effective in reducing HIV transmission, Health Departments are under pressure to provide the treatment.

Methods Questionnaire feedback from 60 men who have sex with men (MSM) attending sexual health clinic, questions were based around the eligibility criteria for the PROUD study and some additional information we felt may be useful.

Results 58 MSM & 2 Trans women: 35 (58%) reported unprotected anal intercourse (UPAI) in the past 3 months, average number of partners 7. 6/35 had treatment for an infection in the past 6 months, all Gonorrhoea. 25 MSM (42%) reported no UPAI in past 3 months, average number of partners 2. 2 treated for infections, 1 GC and 1 had Syphilis and Chlamydia. Overall 16 (27%) reported drug use, no IVDU. 43 (72%) used social media to meet partners, 16 (27%) used male only saunas. 56 (93%) would use PrEP if available. 24/60 was asked if using PrEP may encourage them to have UPAI, 5 (20%) responded yes. 6 (10%) had used Post Exposure Prophylaxis following Sexual Exposure (PEPSE). In the last 2 years we provided 216 MSM with PEPSE, 29 (14%) used it more than once, 5 (2%) are now HIV positive.

Discussion There appears to be high risk behaviour within our MSM cohort. PrEP has a role to play in prevention of HIV transmission, if funding became available for PrEP the service may need to find ways to target the higher risk individuals. 58% met the recommended criteria by BASHH/BHIVA.

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