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P3.182 Obstetric assistance to hepatitis b-infected women: strategies and directions
  1. MC Paschoini,
  2. LN Resende,
  3. MM Mendonça,
  4. GPM Gomide,
  5. MCS Scandiuzzi
  1. Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba – MG, Brazil


Introduction Measure the incidence of Hepatitis B (HB) among pregnant women overseen by Hospital de Clínicas from Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro. Outline their epidemiological profile and asses their obstetric assistance.

Methods Survey of the records of pregnant women with a diagnosis of Hepatitis B from 2007 to 2015, medical record revision and application of a structured questionnaire evaluating their epidemiological, obstetrical and neonatal data.

Results There were 68 cases of Hepatitis B, that is, 0.6% of the births of the surveyed period. On demography, the mean age of the patients was 25.6 years, with variation from 16 to 43 years; the majority of the patients were white (48.5%) and single (45.58%). On obstetrical data, 54.4% had up to 2 previous pregnancies; 47.5% of their first appointments to specialised services were on the second semester; 2 patients had related medical symptoms and 10.29% missed any appointments. On their births, 88.13% were on term and 66.7% were vaginal births. Newborn weights were between 1035 and 4080 grams, 91.52% had APGAR≥7% and 88.1% received immunoglobulin and Hepatitis B vaccine. All newborns had negative HBsAg on immediate post-birth.

Conclusion Generally, Hepatitis B patients had an average age from 20 to 30 years. The first appointment on specialised services was mainly on the second trimester, probably due to delays on public health dispensation. Hepatitis B vertical transmission prophylaxis has been done on 90% of the pregnant women – other cases may be lacking pertinent annotations. This evaluation needs to be carried on in order to minimise horizontal and vertical transmissions. Due to public dispensation mismanagement, viral load quantifications on Hepatitis B only started last year.

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