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P1.52 Resistance, clonality and clinical aspects associated with staphylococcus aureus samples isolated from colonisation sites of paediatric and adolescent patients infected by human immunodeficiency virus
  1. Souza Gf1,
  2. D Ferreira2,
  3. F Cavalcante3,
  4. G Souza4,
  5. C Hofer5,
  6. K Santos1
  1. 1Instituto De Microbiologia Paulo De Goes €- UFRJ, Rio De Janeiro – RJ, Brazil
  2. 2Prof. de Microbiologia, Unesa e Uva €- RJ, Rio De Janeiro – Rj, Brazil
  3. 3Prof. Adjunta de Microbiologia – Polo Macaé €- UFRJ, Macaé – RJ, Brazil
  4. 4Enfermeiro – UNIABEU, Belford Roxo – RJ, Brazil
  5. 5Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, UFRJ, Rio De Janeiro – RJ, Brazil


Introduction HIV- infected patients are in a high-risk group to develop Staphylococcus aureus infections. From 6% to 20% of these individuals have presented colonisation by methicillin resistant isolates (methicillin resistant S. aureus ”MRSA”). In addition, S. aureus isolates may carry genes encoding the Panton Valentine leukocidin (PVL), responsible for lysing leukocytes. This study aimed to detect and characterise S. aureus isolates from nares, oropharynx and saliva from paediatric and adolescent patients infected with HIV enrolled in a public paediatric outpatient clinic, between 2014 and 2015.

Methods The S. aureus identification was conducted after cultivation of specimens on mannitol salt agar, using conventional tests. The determination of antimicrobial susceptibility was performed by disk diffusion test, while the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) by the E-test was evaluated for mupirocin. PCR was used to detect the PVL genes and to determine the SCCmec types, while the PFGE technique was used for analysis of clonality.

Results Among 100 patients included in the study, 68 (68%) presented S. aureuscolonisation, and 15 (22%) of them were colonised by MRSA isolates. Colonisation by MRSA isolates was detected in the nares (17,6%), saliva (10,2%) and oropharynx (8,8%) of the patients. Among the 107 s. aureus isolates, the highest percentage of resistance was 26.1% for erythromycin, followed by cefoxitin (23.4%), gentamicin (4.7%) and teicoplanin (3.7%). All MRSA isolates carried the SCCmec IV and the PVL genes were found in 26 isolates of 20 (29.4%) patients. The isolates were included in 11 genotype profiles.

Conclusion The study confirms the high frequency of colonisation by S. aureus in paediatric and adolescent patients with HIV. Besides the high rate of colonisation in nostril over than a third of the patients presented colonisation in the oropharynx and/or saliva, important aspects to be considered in the control and prevention of infections caused by S. aureus isolates in HIV-positive individuals.

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