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Prevalence of HIV among men who have sex with men in Chongqing, China, 2006–2009: cross-sectional biological and behavioural surveys
  1. Yanqi Zhang1,
  2. Pinyi Chen1,
  3. Rongrong Lu2,
  4. Ling Liu1,
  5. Yazhou Wu1,
  6. Xiaoyu Liu1,
  7. Zengwei Zhao1,
  8. Dong Yi1
  1. 1Department of Health Statistics, College of Preventive Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China
  2. 2Division for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chongqing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chongqing, China
  1. Correspondence to Professor Dong Yi, Department of Health Statistics, College of Preventive Medicine, Third Military Medical University, 30 Gaotanyan Road, Shapingba District, Chongqing 400038, China; yd_house{at}


Objective To assess the prevalence of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Chongqing, China from 2006 to 2009.

Methods The authors used a snowball sampling method to perform a 3-month cross-sectional study each year from 2006 to 2009. Every participant was asked to complete a questionnaire about demographic and behavioural characteristics, and blood samples were taken for antibody testing for HIV and syphilis.

Results A total of 953, 1015, 743 and 603 participants were investigated in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. HIV prevalence rates were 10.9%, 12.8%, 10.6% and 19.1%, respectively. The rates increased by 2.3% averagely per year (p<0.001). The HIV prevalence rates were significantly higher than the total population in subjects who were aged more than 40 years, subjects with an educational background of a junior high school level or lower, subjects with a positive syphilis infection or subjects who were recruited from a public bath (p<0.01). The HIV prevalence rates increased on average per year more than 4% in subjects over 30, subjects who worked in the entertainment business, subjects who were married or divorced, subjects with a positive syphilis infection or subjects who were not informed HIV test results. Although most subjects had good HIV/AIDS knowledge awareness (90%), the rate of consistent condom use was low (<37%).

Conclusions The prevalence of HIV is high and is rapidly growing among MSM in Chongqing, China. More appropriate responses are urgently needed to promote a change in the behaviour of MSM.

  • HIV
  • syphilis
  • prevalence
  • men who have sex with men
  • China
  • epidemiology (clinical)
  • statistics
  • health service research
  • sexual behaviour
  • HIV
  • homosexuality
  • health promotion
  • epidemiology (general)
  • AIDS
  • infectious diseases

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  • Funding The study was supported partly by the China Global Fund AIDS Program Round Five (No.CHN25062G062H), Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30872184) and Applied Research Project of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control from Chinese Ministry of Health in 2007 (No. WA22007203).

  • Competing interests None.

  • Patient consent Obtained.

  • Ethics approval Ethics approval was provided by the Internal Review Boards (IRB) of Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Chongqing (CQCDC) in Chongqing, China.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.