Table 2

Variables associated with the length of time between the last HIV negative screening test and the first positive one among 307 seroconverters, Lyons hospital database 1985–98, linear multiple regression analysis

VariablesAdjusted regression coefficient (SE)p Value
Note: the model includes all the variables in this table.
Model characteristics: R=0.17, R2 0.03, with a F=1.15 df 8,298, p=0.33.
Male sex (compared with women)−12.2 (44.0)0.8
Age (per 1 year increase)−9.3 (15.0)0.5
    Route of infection (compared with men who have sex with men)
    Heterosexual intercourse9.6 (35.9)0.8
    Other−32.6 (39.3)0.4
Year of seroconversion (compared with 1985–9)
    1990–2−6.3 (31.4)0.8
    1993–5−2.9 (32.1)0.9
    1996–82.2 (34.6)0.9
Acute HIV illness (compared with no acute illness reported)−84.1 (30.5)0.006