Table 1

Clinical and histopathological features of eight cases of carcinoma on penile lichen sclerosus

Patient NoAge of onset of PLS (years)Age of onset of Ca (years)Lag time (years)SiteClinical aspect of malignancy on PLSHistopathologyPCR testing for HPV
*Previously reported cases.1
PLS = penile lichen sclerosus; Ca = carcinoma; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; HPV = human papillomavirus; SCC = squamous cell carcinoma; VC = verrucous carcinoma.
1*416221glansfungating keratotic nodule with a white-yellowish hueSCCnegative
well differentiated
2*365923glansslightly elevated verrucous papulesSCCHPV 16
well differentiated
3*415514glans, coronary sulcusmultiple erythematous, indurated, and ulcerated plaquesSCCHPV 16
well differentiated
4*394910glans, coronary sulcus, inner aspect of the foreskinsharply circumscribed, erythematous, eroded, oozing, and slightly infiltrated plaqueIn situ carcinomaHPV 16
5*294718glansexophytic verrucous whitish noduleVCHPV 16
6758510glanssharply circumscribed, erythematous, and ulcerated plaqueSCCHPV 16
well differentiated
7667015glansexophytic whitish and indurated plaqueSCCnegative
8336734glans, coronary sulcussharply circumscribed, erythematous, eroded, crusted, and indurated plaqueSCCnegative