Table 2

Sexually transmitted infection rates in Cotonou

GC*CT*TV†Candida†HSV-2‡Syphilis§Genital ulcer¶
*NG/CT Amplicor PCR on urethral or cervical swabs unless otherwise specified; †direct microscopy unless otherwise specified; ‡serum ELISA; §RPR + TPHA positive; ¶clinical examination; **NG/CT Amplicor PCR on urine with LCR confirmation; ††culture; ‡‡EIA on cervical swabs; §§NG/CT Amplicor PCR on urine; ¶¶”in house” PCR.
CT, chlamydia trachomatis; FSW, female sex worker; GC, Neisseria gonorrhoea; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; STI, sexually transmitted infection; TV, Trichomonas vaginalis.
General population men 15–49 years; n=9281.1%**2.3%**11.9%1.8%6.4%
General population women 15–49 years; 97–98; n=10150.9%**1.3%**3.2%††29.5%1.2%
Pregnant women 1993 (SIDA2; n=403)2.0%††2.7%‡‡17.0%34.4%2.2%9.4%
STI clinic men urethral discharge 1993 (SIDA2; n=128)39.0%7.6%4.8%3.7%
STI clinic women vaginal discharge1993 (SIDA2; n=211)5.7%2.1%11.5%32.3%2.1%9.9%
FSW 1993 (SIDA2; n=374)43%9%8.8%16.0%9.1%16.8%
FSW 1995–6 (SIDA2; n=350)31%7%12%23%7%
FSW 1998–9 (SIDA2; n=590)21%4%9%9%2%
Clients of FSW 1998 (SIDA2; n=404)5.4%§§2.7%§§2.7%¶¶2.0%
Boyfriends of FSW (SIDA2; n=56)5.4%§§1.8%§§5.4%¶¶1.8%