Table 1

Interpretation of sequential testing for syphilis among 540 Ethiopian factory workers who donated a mean of eight consecutive blood samples during 5 years of follow up, before and after retesting for sequential inconsistent RPR/TPPA results

No of subjects categorised according to their test results before retesting
Category (a)Category (b)Category (c)
*17 subjects, formerly classified as (c), were interpreted as no syphilis after retesting.
†Defined as consistent sequential RPR seroconversion with or without (in case TPPA was positive throughout) TPPA seroconversion.
194 subjects with all consecutive samples RPR−/TPPA−170 subjects with at least one sample RPR+/TPPA−176 subjects with at least one sample TPPA+
Interpretation of test results in subjects after retesting of samples in 93 subjects in (c)No syphilis (consecutive samples TPPA−)Past syphilis (consecutive samples RPR−/TPPA+)Prevalent syphilis (consecutive samples RPR+/TPPA+)Incident syphilis†
364+17* subjects (70.5%)111 subjects (20.6%)37 subjects (6.9%)11 subjects (2.0%)