Table 1

Prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infections according to demographic, behavioural, and clinical characteristics

NG+/totalp ValueCT+/totalp ValueNG and/or CT+/totalp Value
    Benin1/81 (1.2%)0.011/81 (1.2%)0.312/81 (2.5%)0.08
    Burkina Faso2/195 (1.0%)9/195 (4.6%)10/195 (5.1%)
    Ghana0/199 (0%)3/199 (1.5%)3/199 (1.5%)
    Guinea6/137 (4.4%)6/137 (4.4%)9/137 (6.6%)
    Mali5/114 (4.4%)4/114 (3.5%)8/114 (7.0%)
Age (years)
    12–204/156 (2.6%)0.524/156 (2.6%)0.388/156 (5.1%)0.32
    21–298/371 (2.2%)15/371 (4.0%)19/371 (5.1%)
    30 or more2/198 (1.0%)4/198 (2.0%)5/198 (2.5%)
Marital status
    Never married4/291 (1.4%)0.409/291 (3.1%)0.8411/291 (3.8%)0.20
    Currently married9/416 (2.2%)13/416 (3.1%)20/416 (4.8%)
    Widowed/divorced1/18 (5.6%)1/18 (5.6%)1/18 (5.6%)
    None8/210 (3.8%)0.0614/210 (6.7%)0.00217/210 (8.1%)0.006
    Primary school3/204 (1.5%)3/204 (1.5%)6/204 (2.9%)
    Secondary school or more3/304 (1.0%)5/304 (1.6%)8/304 (2.6%)
Number of sex partners, past 3 months
    00/92 (0%)0.250/92 (0%)<0.0010/92 (0%)<0.001
    113/581 (2.2%)18/581 (3.1%)26/581 (4.5%)
    2 or more0/31 (0%)5/31 (16.1%)5/31 (16.1%)
New sex partner in past 3 months
    Yes2/121 (1.7%)1.006/121 (5.0%)0.257/121 (5.8%)0.57
    No12/604 (2.0%)17/604 (2.8%)25/604 (4.1%)
Urethral discharge in partner
    Yes2/46 (4.3%)0.210/46 (0%)0.392/46 (4.3%)1.00
    No11/645 (1.7%)23/645 (3.6%)29/645 (4.5%)
Condom use by partner
    Never12/494 (2.4%)0.1217/494 (3.4%)0.8825/494 (5.1%)0.43
    Sometimes0/152 (0%)4/152 (2.6%)4/152 (2.6%)
    Always2/56 (3.6%)2/56 (3.6%)3/56 (5.4%)
Duration of discharge, days
    1–72/169 (1.2%)0.447/169 (4.1%)0.687/169 (4.1%)0.84
    8–212/159 (1.3%)4/159 (2.5%)6/159 (3.8%)
    >2110/394 (2.5%)12/394 (3.0%)19/394 (4.8%)
Previous treatment
    Yes7/242 (2.9%)0.257/242 (2.9%)0.9211/242 (4.5%)0.93
    No7/479 (1.5%)16/479 (3.3%)21/479 (4.4%)
    Yes7/169 (4.1%)0.037/169 (4.1%)0.5711/169 (6.5%)0.10
    No7/556 (1.3%)16/556 (2.9%)21/556 (3.8%)
    Yes7/224 (3.1%)0.1413/224 (5.8%)0.0116/224 (7.1%)0.03
    No7/501 (1.4%)10/501 (2.0%)16/501 (3.2%)
Cervical discharge
    Yes10/369 (2.7%)0.2016/369 (4.3%)0.1121/369 (5.7%)0.13
    No4/354 (1.1%)7/354 (2.0%)11/354 (3.1%)
Pus on cervical swab
    Yes3/82 (3.7%)0.226/82 (7.3%)0.048/82 (9.8%)0.02
    No11/624 (1.8%)17/624 (2.7%)24/624 (3.8%)
Inflammatory cervix
    Yes7/187 (3.7%)0.069/187 (4.8%)0.2512/187 (6.4%)0.22
    No7/519 (1.3%)14/519 (2.7%)20/519 (3.9%)
Bleeding after cervical sampling
    Yes5/138 (3.6%)0.167/138 (5.1%)0.189/138 (6.5%)0.31
    No9/568 (1.6%)16/568 (2.8%)23/568 (4.0%)
Pelvic pain on examination
    Yes4/60 (6.7%)0.022/60 (3.3%)1.004/60 (6.7%)0.33
    No10/653 (1.5%)21/653 (3.2%)28/653 (4.3%)