Table 1

Comparison of demographic and disease data on patients attending the two clinics in 2001 and significant data from the 1998 survey

VariableHospital clinic patients (209) No (%)Outreach clinic patients (111) No (%)Outreach clinic data (95) 19984
*p<0.05, outreach v hospital clinic patients for 2001 data.
**p<0.05, 95 outreach v 105 hospital clinic patients, data collected in 1998 for both.4
    Asian 11 (5) 5 (5)17 (17.4)**
    Black British/Caribbean 77 (37)48 (43)
    White 54 (26)23 (21)
    African 14 (7)18 (16)*
First time attendees 72 (34)66 (59)*
Women107 (51)75 (68)*
Men102 (49)36 (32)*
Median age 282626**
Age <20 years 22 (11)21 (19)*19 (20)**
    Gonorrhoea 7 (3) 5 (5)
    Chlamydia 12 (6) 9 (8)
    Trichomoniasis (female) 4 (4) 1 (1)
    NGU (male) 15 (15) 3 (8)
    Genital herpes 5 (2) 0
    Genital warts 12 (6) 3 (3)
    HIV test 64 (31)30 (27)27 (28)**