Table 4

Male genital tuberculosis

SiteCommentsKey references
EpididymisMain genital site, may involve both sidesGorse and Belshe, 198549
TestisUsually a late complication of epididymal disease. Infertility may ensue
Vas deferensInfection may lead to nodular or pipestem thickening
Scrotal skinTethering, loss or rugae and fistulae may follow epididymal infection
ProstateImportant site. Probable source of epididymal disease in many cases. May become irregularly enlarged. Acid fast bacilli shedding in semen may occur
Seminal vesiclesIrregular enlargement may occur
UrethraStricture may develop in prostatic portion
PenisRare site. Destructive lesions of glans possibleLewis, 194650
Inguinal lymph nodesScarring and fistulae may develop. May be confused with lymphogranloma venereum or cat scratch disease