Table 3

 Percentage of sexually active men and women who report sex with a non-spousal, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months, selected surveys

Country, survey yearMenWomenAbsolute difference
NA, not available.
Numbers in parentheses are the unweighted denominators.
Sub-Saharan Africa
    Kenya, 199847 (2766)22 (5881)25
    Tanzania, 199638 (1650)18 (6091)20
    Tanzania, 199951 (2775)27 (3083)24
    Uganda, 199529 (1510)11 (5340)18
    Uganda, 2000/0128 (1454)14 (5497)14
    Zambia, DHS 199649 (1490)23 (6119)26
    Zambia, SBS 199839 (1258)17 (1527)22
    Zambia, SBS 200029 (1158)16 (1299)13
    Zambia, DHS 2001/0245 (1718)18 (5650)27
    Zambia, SBS 200325 (1542)13 (1663)12
    Zimbabwe, 199941 (1796)14 (4180)27
Latin America and Caribbean
    Colombia, 2000NA28 (8181)
    Dominican Republic, 199656 (1858)17 (5869)39
    Dominican Republic, 200250 (1991)18 (17145)32
    Haiti, 200055 (2374)31 (6751)24
    Peru, 2000NA12 (18413)