Table 3

 In-depth interview respondents: individual reliability of reported sex in 1998–2000 in-depth interviews, assisted self-completion questionnaires (ASCQs) and face to face questionnaires (FFQs), with validation using biological markers

Reported vaginal intercourseNumber (%) of malesNumber (%) of femalesTotal (%)
*Italicised figures represent results that are inconsistent and/or invalid given biological marker results.
Biological marker—positiven = 2n = 9n = 11
    Consistently reported1 (50)1 (11)2 (18)
    Denied earlier and reported later 1 (50)* 4 (44) 5 (46)
    Consistently denied 1 (11) 1 (9)
    Inconsistently reported 3 (33) 3 (27)
Biological marker—negativen = 29n = 33n = 62
    Consistently reported7 (24)1 (3)8 (13)
    Denied earlier and reported later5 (17)1 (3)19 (31)
    Consistently denied7 (24)8 (24)15 (24)
    Inconsistently reported 10 (35) 10 (30) 20 (32)