Table 3

 Changes in regular condom use reported among transsexuals (TS) who entered follow up, comparing the first contact with the centre and the last follow up

Regular condom use reportedEnrolment*Follow up*
*The denominators refer to the number of subjects reporting >1 sexual partner in the previous 6 months and returned to follow up.
†One subject did not report prostitution during follow up.
‡A different number of subjects reported anti-HIV positive partner at enrolment and follow up.
Overall182/247 (73.7%)220/247 (89.1%)
    Columbian transsexuals129/168 (76.8%)150/168 (89.3%)
    Brazilian transsexuals37/57 (64.9%)50/57 (87.7%)
    Other transsexuals16/22 (72.7%)20/22 (90.9%)
Reported prostitution in the past 6 months182/243 (74.9%)†216/242 (89.3%)†
Reported anti-HIV positive partner4/15 (26.7%)‡8/12 (66.7%)‡
Anti-HIV positive30/53 (56.6%)54/68 (79.4%)