Table A Model parameters (see also table 1)

Types of model inputDefinition of model inputModel parameterComments of references
*These variables are used to calculate the initial number of individuals in subgroup [r, j], †nrj = NrSrjΩrj. When these variables are undefined for certain r, i, and j then they take the value 1.
Epidemiological inputsInitial HIV prevalence among FSWsUsed to fit the model which is there after used to model the HIV epidemic with and without the intervention
Average duration of high viraemia phase (months) 1/ν
Average duration between HIV infection and morbidity 1/δ Use site specific data if possible
Average duration of STI infectivity 1/μr
Transmission probabilitiesProbability of HIV transmission per sex act (male to female) β0 14, 53
Ratio of probability of HIV transmission per sex act for female to male relative to male to female Used to calculate β1
HIV transmission cofactor during high viraemia phase αsex 54
HIV transmission cofactor during STI co-infection αs
Condom efficacy per sex act e 37, 55
Size of population and general inflow/outflowProportion of population that have been in area for less than 1 year Λr Use site specific data if possible
Mortality rate per 1000 person years Ψr
Initial size of populationNrused to calculate nrij parametersNr variables are used to calculate the initial condition for nrj parameters*
Ratio of male to female population
Sexual behaviour inputsDefinition of number of sexual partners per month for long term, casual, and commercial partnershipsMain dr1
Casual drj, j = 2–4
Commercial drj, j = 5–7
Rate of sex acts per partnership per month ηrj
Population distribution of males with respect to their level of sexual activity (%),γrj(r = 0)None S00 Srj variables are used to calculate the initial condition for nrij
Main S01
Casual S02 = S03 = S04
Commercial S05 = S06 = S07
Population distribution of females with respect to their level of sexual activity (%), γŕj(ŕ = 1)None S10
Main S11
Casual S12 = S13 = S14
Commercial S15 = S16 = S17
Mixing pattern for the distribution of long term main partnerships by category of risk of the chosen partner: degree of assortative sexual mixing between individuals of different sexual activity (0 is random mixing and 1 is full assortative mixing) A Little data but reviews of data from elsewhere suggest sexual mixing is usually only weakly assortative56
Condom use inputsConsistency of condom use among stable partnerships f1 Ωrj variables are used to calculate the initial condition for nrj*. “None” refers to using condoms in few sex acts (f2%), “sometimes” refers to condom being used in some (f3%) of sex acts, and “always” refers to condoms being using in nearly all of the sex acts (f4%)
Population distribution of condom use among casual sexual partnershipsNone Ωr2
Sometimes Ωr3
Always Ωr4
None Ωr5 “None” refers to using condoms in few sex acts (f5%), “sometimes” refers to condom being used in some (f6%) of sex acts, and “always” refers to condoms being using in nearly all of the sex acts (f7%)
Sometimes Ωr6
Always Ωr7