Table 3 Estimated number of people living with HIV by groups of the populations at higher and lower risk, and estimated adult HIV prevalence, Ukraine, end of 2007
Population groupNumber
IDUs164 000
MSM41 000
FSWs34 000
Male clients of FSWs19 000
Prisoners10 000
Subtotal PHR268 000
Partners of IDU93 000
Female partners of MSM13 500
Partners of clients of FSWs21 000
Subtotal PLR127 000
Total number of adults (15–49) living with HIV395 000
Number of women (15–49) living with HIV178 000
Percentage of people living with HIV who are female45.0%
Percentage of total people living with HIV that are IDU41.4%
Percentage of adult (aged 15–49) prevalence1.63%
  • IDUs, injecting drug users; MSM, men who have sex with men; FSWs, female sex workers; PHR, populations at higher risk; PLR, populations at lower risk.