Table 2 Estimated incidence rate ratio of diagnosed newly acquired hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-positive men who have sex with men patients by HIV/genitourinary medicine clinic, 95% CI and p value estimated from the negative binomial regression model, January 2002–June 2006, London and Brighton
FactorHIV clinicsEstimated incidence rate ratio95% CIp Value
ClinicRoyal Sussex County Hospital Brighton1.670.80 to 3.470.02
Beckenham Hospital1.130.14 to 8.96
Central Middlesex Hospital1.020.13 to 8.08
Charing Cross Hospital0.670.24 to 1.88
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital*Reference
Mortimer Market Centre (UCH)1.840.93 to 3.64
North Middlesex Hospital0.360.05 to 2.83
Royal Free Hospital HIV Clinic2.271.14 to 4.49
Royal London Hospital2.351.12 to 4.92
St George’s Hospital0.560.17 to 1.83
St Mary’s Hospital1.520.75 to 3.09
Guys and St Thomas’1.380.65 to 2.93
West Middlesex University Hospital1.000.21 to 4.66
Queen Elizabeth Woolwich Hospital0
Year1.201.04 to 1.390.01
  • UCH, University College Hospital.

  • *Joint two clinics.