Table 1 Background characteristics, reported sexual behaviour and HIV prevalence at the 21-month visit
ControlIntervention*All participants tested (control + intervention)Participants not tested for CT, NG and TV†
n = 881n = 886 (p value)n = 1767*n = 1188 (p value)
Background characteristics
Ethnic group
    Sotho53.0%54.0% (0.012)53.5%40.6% (<0.001)
<21 years old33.3%29.1% (0.065)31.2%32.9% (0.33)
Primary level of education completed98.9%98.0% (0.18)98.4%98.1% (0.48)
Married or living as married§4.7%5.7% (0.45)5.2%7.1% (0.061)
Reported sexual behaviour
    Mean (median) number of lifetime sex partners4.2 (4.0)4.4 (4.0) (0.55)4.3 (4.0)4.8 (4.0) (<0.001)
    Mean (median) number of non-spousal sex partners‡0.88 (1.0)0.94 (1.0) (0.48)0.91 (1.0)0.87 (1.0) (0.73)
    Mean (median) number of sex acts‡7.4 (2.0)9.0 (3.0) (0.045)8.2 (3.0)7.0 (3.0) (0.65)
    Consistent condom use with non-spousal sex partners‡¶23.4%24.6% (0.70)24.1%5.2% (<0.001)
HIV prevalence
    HIV positive7.1%4.5% (0.025)5.8%8.0% (0.02)
  • *The p value corresponds to the comparison of the control and intervention group; †the p value corresponds to the comparison of those tested for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) with those not tested; ‡during the past 12 months; §at some time during the past 12 months; ¶among those having had sexual intercourse during the past 12 months.