Abstract P1-S6.07 Table 1

Results of univariate analysis between the difference in FSW HIV prevalence (R2-R1) and different independent variables for each class of factors

Types of independent variablesNCoefficient of correlation (r) (if pv <0.1)p value
Intervention factors
 Difference* in consistent condom use (CCU) by FSW with occasional clients27ns
 Difference in Syphilis (Tp) prevalence230.360.06
 Difference in HSV-2 prevalence (D.FSW HSV2)270.450.03
 Difference in gonorrhoea or Chlamydia prevalence27ns
 Difference in the fraction tested for HIV27ns
 %FSW contacted by NGO at R127ns
 %FSW who visited NGO clinic at R127ns
 %FSW who received condom from NGO at R127ns
Baseline contextual factors (mainly at R1)
 R1 FSW HIV prevalence27−0.53<0.01
 R1 Syphilis (Tp) prevalence27−0.410.03
 R1 HSV-2 prevalence27−0.55<0.01
 R1 Gonorrhoea or Chlamydia prevalence27ns
 R1 % of FSW ever been asked for anal intercourse (R1 AI)27−0.340.08
 R1 weekly client number per FSW27ns
 R1 % FSW who are brothel based26ns
 R1 % FSW tested for HIV27ns
 Estimated CCU by FSW with occasional clients in 1998 20ns
 Estimated increase in CCU with occasional clients before R1†21ns
Design factors (related to conduct of surveys)
 Date of R127ns
 Time between R1 and R227ns
 Difference in response rate between survey rounds (R2−R1)27−0.390.06
Contextual changes (difference between survey round (R2−R1))
 Differences in weekly client number per FSW27ns
 Difference in the % FSW ever asked for AI270.350.08
 Different in the fraction of FSW who are literate27ns
 Difference in the fraction of married FSW27ns
 Difference in % FSW brothel based26ns
 Difference in mean duration of sex work for FSW27ns
  • * Difference between rounds (R2−R1).

  • Adapted from Lowndeset al STI (2009).