Table 3

The association of bacterial vaginosis (BV) with treated or untreated BV at the visit 3 months prior at all visits in a repeated measures analysis of 1027 women at high risk in Kampala, Uganda (2008–2011)

Number of BV cases during follow-up
n/N (%)
odds ratio (95% CI)
OR (95% CI)*
Treatment for BV at visit 3 months prior (N=3046)†p<0.001p<0.001
No BV at previous visit331/1106 (29.9%)11
Intermediate Nugent score at previous visit137/255 (54.7%)2.72 (2.02 to 3.67)2.42 (1.78 to 3.29)
Treated BV616/853 (72.2%)5.19 (3.98 to 6.75)4.35 (3.34 to 5.66)
Untreated BV611/832 (73.4%)5.52 (4.23 to 7.21)4.87 (3.74 to 6.34)
  • *BV adjusted for age, level of education, number of lifetime partners, frequency of condom use with clients, any use of alcohol, intravaginal insertion, HIV, herpes simplex virus-2, vaginal yeast, T. vaginalis, N. gonorrhoeae, syphilis, hormonal contraception/pregnancy (N=946, observations=4233).

  • Observations excludes the enrolment, 18-month and 24-month visit.