Table 2

Characteristics of health workers interviewed during a study of treatment practices for urethritis in Mtwapa and Shanzu, coastal Kenya, 2011

CharacteristicPharmacies (N=20)Health facilities
Private (N=20)Government (N=4)
N (%) or median (IQR*)N (%) or median (IQR*)
 Men10 (50%)19 (95%)1 (25%)
 Women10 (50%)1 (5%)3 (75%)
Age (years)28 (25–31)35 (31–43)30 (30–43)
Highest level of health training attained†
 Certificate5 (26%)4 (20%)1 (25%)
 Diploma and higher diploma13 (68%)13 (65%)3 (75%)
 Bachelor's degree1 (5%)2 (10%)0
 Master's degree01 (5%)0
Work experience (years)4 (2–7)8 (6–18)5 (3–17)
Membership in a professional association3 (15%)14 (70%)3 (75%)
Ever attended an in-service course on STI/HIV management2 (10%)11 (55%)2 (50%)
 Duration of in-service course (days)5 (3–7)5 (2–7)4 (2–5)
 Duration since the last course (years)6 (2–10)5 (3–9)8 (3–12)
  • *All figures rounded to zero decimal places.

  • †Nineteen (95%) of 20 pharmacy interviewees had pharmacy certification (one had not completed training; n=19). Health facility interviewees had training in either medicine (62%) or nursing (38%).

  • IQR, interquartile range.