Table 3

Factors associated with having had an STI test in the previous 6 months among MSM in Scotland: n, %, unadjusted and multivariate logistic regression

Not had a recent test (n=434)
n (%)
Had a recent test(n=259)
n (%)
OR95% CIp ValueAOR (n=623)95% CIp Value
  <25100 (51.3)95 (48.7)11
  25+330 (66.9)163 (33.1)0.52(0.37–0.73)<0.0010.46(0.32–0.68)<0.001
 Frequency of gay scene use
  Once a month or less103 (66.0)53 (34.0)10.265
  2–3 times a month136 (64.5)75 (35.5)1.07(0.69–1.66)
  Once or more a week190 (59.2)131 (40.8)1.34(0.90–2.00)
  Employed or self-employed358 (65.1)192 (34.9)11
  Unemployed, student, retired76 (53.9)65 (46.1)1.60(1.1–2.32)0.0151.48(0.97–2.25)0.068
 Area of residence
  Rest of Scotland89 (63.1)52 (36.9)1
  Glasgow345 (62.5)207 (37.5)1.03(0.7–1.51)0.892
  Secondary78 (65.0)42 (35.0)0.82(0.52–1.28)
  Further/vocational189 (63.9)107 (36.1)0.86(0.61–1.21)
  Degree/Postgraduate162 (60.2)107 (39.8)10.565
 HIV status*
  HIV tested and HIV positive8 (38.1)13 (61.9)
  HIV tested and HIV negative272 (57.0)205 (43.0)
  Never been tested128 (94.8)7 (5.2)
Sexual behaviour in the previous 12 months.
 Number of sexual partners
  0–5 partners307 (68.8)139 (31.2)11
  6+ partners114 (51.6)107 (48.4)2.07(1.49–2.89)<0.0012.10(1.47–2.99)<0.001
 Had any high-risk UAI
  No277 (62.4)167 (37.6)1
  Yes157 (63.1)92 (36.9)0.97(0.71–1.34)0.862
Contact with sexual health promotion in the previous 12 months.
 Obtained free condoms from a bar/club sauna or the internet
  No105 (66.9)52 (33.1)1
  Yes317 (61.0)203 (39.0)1.29(0.89–1.88)0.181
 Picked up a sexual health leaflet in a bar/club/sauna, or looked for safer sex/sexual health information on the internet
  No213 (64.7)116 (35.3)1
  Yes208 (60.1)138 (39.9)1.22(0.89–1.67)0.215
 Talked to an outreach worker in a bar/club or sauna, or participated in one-to-one or group counselling sessions on sexual health or HIV prevention
  No338 (65.6)177 (34.4)11
  Yes83 (51.9)77 (48.1)1.77(1.24–2.54)0.0021.66(1.11–2.49)0.014
Sexual health and condom use knowledge.
 Sexual health knowledge score
  Less than maximum score143 (72.6)54 (27.4)11
  Maximum score280 (58.1)202 (41.9)1.91(1.33–2.74)<0.0011.59(1.05–2.42)0.029
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
 Condom knowledge7.03 (7.07)8.89 (6.81)1.04(1.02–1.07)0.0011.04(1.01–1.06)0.011
 Mean of barebacking items2.52 (0.88)2.57 (0.91)1.07(0.90–1.28)0.447
 ANCCU norm scale3.82 (0.71)3.82 (0.86)1.00(0.81–1.23)0.993
 Safer sex scale3.73 (0.81)3.79 (0.80)1.10(0.90–1.34)0.344
  • *Not included in univariate and multivariate analyses because of inadequate cell counts.

  • ANCCU, attitude and norm of contemporary condom use scale; AOR, adjusted OR; MSM, men who have sex with men; STI, sexually transmitted infection; UAI, unprotected anal intercourse.