Table 3

Predictors of redetected chlamydia infection (n=12) after 11–22 months in 47 women who were chlamydia positive at baseline*

CharacteristicPercentage of women with characteristicRedetected infection with chlamydia % (proportion) of womenRelative risk (95% CI)
With characteristicWithout characteristic
Age <20 years55.326.9 (7/26)23.8 (5/21)1.13 (0.42 to 3.05)
Smoking23.49.0 (1/11)30.6 (11/36)0.30 (0.04 to 2.06)
New partner during 12 months follow-up63.820.0 (6/30)35.3 (6/17)0.57 (0.22 to 1.48)
Bacterial vaginosis†32.626.7 (4/15)25.8 (8/31)1.03 (0.37 to 2.89)
Carcinogenic HPV†40.06.3 (1/16)41.7 (10/24)0.15 (0.02 to 1.06)
  • *Of the 47 chlamydia positives at baseline, 17 were in the intervention group and 30 in the deferred screening control group. Of the 12 redetected cases of chlamydia infection at follow-up, three were in the intervention group and nine in the deferred screening control group.

  • †At baseline.