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The growing and important collaboration between BASHH and IUSTI-Europe
  1. Rajul Patel1,
  2. Jackie Sherrard2,
  3. Daniel Richardson3,
  4. Airi Poder4
  1. 1 University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
  2. 2 Buckinghamshire, Aylesbury, UK
  3. 3 Brighton & Sussex Medical School, Brighton, UK
  4. 4 University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
  1. Correspondence to Dr Daniel Richardson, Brighton & Sussex Medical School, Brighton BN1 9PX, UK; daniel.richardson{at}

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Both BASHH and the International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections-Europe (IUSTI-Europe) are societies providing standards and education for care providers in STI and HIV. Links between these organisations have been strengthening in recent years with joint meetings and more BASHH members holding officer positions in IUSTI-Europe. Each society develops clinical guidelines and research and clinical networks across Europe through this partnership.

As time and funding for study leave for clinicians becomes increasingly restricted, it’s important we consider innovative and efficient ways of providing education and networks while making sure the UK and Europe remain international leaders in STI research and service provision. The costs of both accessing and providing conferences in the UK continue to increase and travelling to some European cities can be less costly than …

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