Table of contents
October 1974 - Volume 50 - 5
Research Article
- Specificity, sensitivity, and diagnostic value of the TPHA test. (1 October, 1974)
- TPHA and RPL tests for yaws antibodies. (1 October, 1974)
- Surface structures of the gonococcus. (1 October, 1974)
- Tonsillar gonorrhoea demonstrated by a suction device. (1 October, 1974)
- Copper versus the gonococcus in vivo. (1 October, 1974)
- Neisseria meningitidis in urogenital infection. (1 October, 1974)
- Prostatitis after urethritis in Singapore. (1 October, 1974)
- 2-day treatment of trichomoniasis with nimorazole. (1 October, 1974)
- Letter: Prepubertal gonorrhoea. (1 October, 1974)
- CORRIGENDUM (1 October, 1974)