Table of contents
June 1976 - Volume 52 - 3
Research Article
- A 10-year study of homosexually transmitted infection. (1 June, 1976)
- Some characteristics of homosexual men. (1 June, 1976)
- Pharyngeal gonorrhoea in homosexuals. (1 June, 1976)
- Influence of copper salts on gonococci. (1 June, 1976)
- Gonococcal salpingitis in gynaecology--myth or missed? (1 June, 1976)
- Meningococcal salpingitis. (1 June, 1976)
- Donovanosis in Papua New Guinea. (1 June, 1976)
- Prostitution in Sheffield. (1 June, 1976)
- Bony symptoms in secondary syphilis. (1 June, 1976)
- Early stages of yaws in a 2-year-old African girl. (1 June, 1976)
- Letter: The future of venereology. (1 June, 1976)
- Letter: Venereology in a psychiatric hospital. (1 June, 1976)
- Letter: Single dose penicillin therapy. (1 June, 1976)
- Robert Forgan, 1891-1?76. (1 June, 1976)
- Bruce P. Webster. (1 June, 1976)
Book Review
- Year Book of Dermatology, 1975 (1 June, 1976)
- Abstracts (1 June, 1976)
- Correction (1 June, 1976)