Table of contents
October 1976 - Volume 52 - 5
- Editorial (1 October, 1976)
- Report of the Chief Medical Officer for 1974 (1 October, 1976)
- Abstracts (1 October, 1976)
Research Article
- Baghdad--frontier city of medicine. (1 October, 1976)
- A new look at the serology of treponemal disease. (1 October, 1976)
- Immunity in syphilis. Studies in active immunity. (1 October, 1976)
- The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in syphilis. (1 October, 1976)
- The enigma of the pathogenesis of the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. (1 October, 1976)
- Diagnosis of gonorrhoea in women. (1 October, 1976)
- Gonorrhoea in women and exposure to risk. (1 October, 1976)
- Drug misuse in a special clinic patient population in Glasgow. (1 October, 1976)
- Shigellosis. Another sexually transmitted disease? (1 October, 1976)
- Pruritic secondary syphilis (1 October, 1976)
- Venereology or genito-urinary medicine (1 October, 1976)
Book Reviews
- The Biology of the Parasitic Spirochaetes (1 October, 1976)
- Introducing WHO (1 October, 1976)
- Arthur James Dalzell Ward (1 October, 1976)
- R. V. C. Robinson, M. D (1 October, 1976)