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This paper reports the results of treating 152 women with carnidazole, a new trichomonacidal drug. They were divided into two groups. The first comprised 91 patients who were treated with 2 g, while the second group comprised 61 patients who were treated with 1-5 g carnidazole in a single oral dose. Defaulter rates were 6-6% for the first group and 13-1% for the second. Of the remaining 85 patients in the first group, 76 (89-5%) were negative at the first follow-up one to three weeks after treatment, three (3-5%) were considered to be treatment failures, and six (7-0%) were considered to be reinfected. Of 53 women treated with 1-5 g, 39 (73-6%) were negative at first follow-up, eight (15-1%) were considered to be treatment failures, and six (11-3%) were considered to be reinfected. The difference between the number of patients cured in both groups is statistically significant. Fourteen patients experienced side-effects, but these were of little significance. Carnidazole given in a single oral dose of 2 g in 16 women did not cause consistent changes in any of the haematological and biochemical parameters studied.