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Plasmid profile, serogrouping, and auxotyping of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates from Africa.
  1. T O Odugbemi,
  2. S T Brown,
  3. J Biddle,
  4. S Johnson,
  5. G Perkins,
  6. W DeWitt,
  7. W L Albritton


    The plasmid patterns of 90 isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (including 39 penicillinase-producing strains) originating from various countries in Africa were determined. Serogrouping by coagglutination and auxotyping were used to characterise the isolates. The 4.4-megadalton plasmid was present in seven isolates out of 39 penicillinase-producing strains, two of which occurred with a conjugative 24.5-megadalton plasmid. The African strains were predominantly serogroup WI and wild type. Arginine-dependent isolates were as common as proline-dependent types.

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