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Topical acyclovir in the treatment of initial genital herpes.
  1. R N Thin,
  2. J M Nabarro,
  3. J D Parker,
  4. A P Fiddian


    In a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial of topical acyclovir in initial (first episode) genital herpes 18 patients received acyclovir ointment and 22 matching placebo ointment. Acyclovir significantly reduced the duration of viral shedding from external and all genital lesions, the duration of vesicles, the time to crusting, the time to complete healing of external and all genital lesions, new lesion formation, and the duration of pain, itching, and all symptoms combined for all patients. In female patients alone the time to crusting was not significantly different and the duration of pain only approached significance but the effects were otherwise the same as for all patients. No patients reported any adverse effects of treatment. Topical acyclovir is well tolerated and effective in treating initial genital herpes.

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